We rely on the data provided by Smart Insights here: https://www.smartinsights.com/email-marketing/email-communications-strategy/statistics-sources-for-email-marketing/ Additionall...
Apart from Litmus, you can also use Email-on-Acid which is cheaper than Litmus. In one of our campaigns, we included add to calendar links for Google, iOS, and Outlook. Depending o...
At times, the emails look different is some versions of Outlook. To fix this, you will have to share the code, and a snapshot of what's broken. In most cases, with some changes in ...
You can do this with SC & tokens as well. On form submit, depending on the selections made by the user, you can update the values of the two fields that you have created to capture...
How many deletion requests do you usually get? We had thought of automating the process but hardly anyone asked for deletion of their record. So, now we have a manual process where...