Hi@Malik_Zafar2I would normally recommend building a SFDC workflow only on the relevant formula fields with time-sensitive info, and the update should come through every time such ...
Hi@Malik_Zafar2that's correct,SystemModstamp in SFDC is aDateTime system field. It indicates when a record was last modified by a user or by a workflow process
perhaps it is because you already filled the survey?try in incognitohttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdUS4_BSHY9AtfXsyq2d7ec3S9MK-rYyBNnU6sqv4Tk0FagOw/viewform
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my team is preparing to take the MCA soon and I have prepared a set of questions to help them get used to the examination.
I wanted to share the test with everyone i...
Hi Marketo Community!It’s 2019 and we have a ton of great projects in the pipeline this year We are looking for a Marketing Automation Manager to join us in Palma de Mallorca, Spa...