We use this formula for our campaigns:
YYYYMM-RG-XX-Desc-Location*Where RG = Region (Americas, Europe, AsiaPac, Global), XX = Type of Event/Campaign (we have short codes for each e...
It's hard to say what the issue could be without seeing the full program or your system, but is it possible that leads have run through this program already and it is set to only a...
Interestingly, but not surprisingly - I had already like those ideas, too.Kind of disheartening to see the first idea is from 2011 and nothing has been done on that item.
Thanks for that, Dory! I have saved the deliverability file for future reference, too - what a great resource. I'm wondering why this isn't more readily available somewhere.
I liked this idea, but wanted to also weigh in to say how much we would appreciate this feature, as well. I thought it was already an idea because I remember talking about it in th...