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‎11-11-2020 11:02 PM
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Joined the community 16-07-2019
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  • How is this a thing? People make mistakes all the time as pointed out by the example of the incorrect API name. Wow...
  • This has been an out of the box feature for Eloqua for 10+ years...its so old that the interface this is running on is still the E9 interface where Eloqua is now version 10.
  • Sounds to me like a Smart Campaign with a trigger for when someone fills out a form (can set up multiple triggers "listening" for different forms). You can add to a list based on t...
  • It's ILLEGAL to not have a one-click unsubscribe (at least in Canada). It's explicitly stated in the CASL law on the website in plain-english text along with screenshots of ...
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Date Registered ‎07-16-2019 09:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-11-2020 11:02 PM
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