Is there a reason you want to use "opened email" as the transition rule? You may not have the best sense of who is truly engaging with your emails, as the open might be triggered b...
Have you checked your smart campaigns relating to program status updates? The donut chart appears to be referencing the number of emails sent, while the summary is referencing prog...
How long has your email been going out? The Send Email activity in a person's record is only retained for 90 days, so, depending on how long your email has been going out, you may ...
Correct. In my example above, I only have two, a parent (the campaign that calls the other campaign), and a child (the campaign that is requested that does the final assignments), ...
Am I correct in assuming that you're trying to have multiple if statements in the flow step?
One way I can think of to handle this (and there may be others here that have another ...
Have you explored Input Masking? It could get a little tricky if you're using the same field for both types of serial numbers, but that could be a good start.
You'll want to work with your Salesforce team to ensure that the field you're using in Marketo is correctly mapped to a similar field in Salesforce.
You may already be doing this,...
If I am understanding your question correctly, you want an alert (or email) to be sent to a central mailbox that includes all of the information for the person that filled out the ...