How long ago are you thinking the asset was edited? You can only view 30 days' worth of data in your instance, but can obtain up to six months' worth using the export option.
I'm having an issue in multiple instances of Marketo where I drag a text token into my local tokens and, when I go to edit the name, the option to edit an Email Script token appear...
If an opportunity is deleted from SFDC (as opposed to being marked as closed-lost), does Marketo still maintain this info?I ask because I'm running a report where Marketo is saying...
If the campaign contains BOTH leads and contacts, does this mean we have to create the views in two different places? I can't imagine sales being too pleased with having to do the ...
Ah, Email Suspended Reason seems to work... Doesn't make sense to me since there's a bounce reason that's not populating a bounce reason field, but hey - such is Monday!
Is there a way to view the details of everyone's hard bounce reasons in one view?When I pull the bounce reasons into my view, nothing shows up. It's only when I click into the lead...