We are having a similar issue this morning, except in addition to leads being "stuck" in the campaign queue, no new records created since 6AM are triggering any of our processes (a...
Hi, all!We've been having a major issue with WordPress' Gravity Forms not syncing anything to Marketo in the past week. A few records may trickle through here and there, but a ton ...
Thanks, Josh! That's what we've started doing, which I guess is fine, but I miss how quick and easy it used to be, especially when you need to send a bunch of campaign emails to an...
Hey, all!We need to share HTML emails with a third-party; however, all our emails are tokenized, so the content doesn't populate. In the past, I used this method to make the proces...
Hey, all!Is there any way to send an alert to someone when an SFDC Campaign is created?Use case: we're working with a number of people on a team who need to know when we've created...
Thanks, Justin Norris and Dan Stevens! Our alerts are actually set up pretty similar to yours, Dan - it's a great format and seems to work well for both marketing and sales teams.I...
Hey, all!We're switching to a global program/campaign structure for scalability purposes. As you know, the benefits of this vastly outweigh any negatives, but it does throw a wrenc...
Hi, all!I have an email program with an A/B subject line test that was supposed to send yesterday, but Marketo says it's still waiting to run as of this morning:Any ideas as to wha...