this is somewhat complicated by the fact there is no 'Spain', but only 'España'
I edited the HTML and slotted Spain into one of the options, but nothing came up for...
the first problem you'll have is that Marketo is only guaranteed to retain email sends data for 90 days. You can see the activity data retention policy here
This is why ma...
Let's step back a bit. There is a key question that's not been asked: How are you trying to write the UTM data to the field?
Can you show us config, code, etc.
Not to be super obvious here, but you've left the two key fields blank in the filter. That'll always return zero records.
If this was done for reasons of obfuscation, ...
you can do a LOT of what @SanfordWhitemanhas referred to using the amazing and vastly useful FlowBoost (https://flowboo.st/), or various other platforms that would le...
@SaurabhGoyal_GN,what error are you getting. Also, do they really want you pointing directly at the leads endpoint? With a filter?
FWIW - There is a reason some of us have built m...
@emilyjwalters, extending from@MERGE_MaudeB's excellent point; If you're using visibility rules, the region will need to be in the main list/superset of regions AND in the subset c...
I've edited your post to make the JSON a bit clearer. Here is how to post code:https://nation.marketo.com/t5/product-blogs/posting-code-in-discussions/ba-p/341001/highl...
this sounds more like browser support than Marketo support. Maybe check into the support forums for whichever your preferred browser is. Potentially Tab groups, or a p...
I've done a OneTrust<->Marketo integration project.
It tells me that the data being sent from OneTrust to Marketo is poorly formatted. Without seeing the data you're s...