Hi@Alyssa_Pacheco, I have checked the code and found that this section is following table layout. It means column width is given to the table element. To fix this issue, we have to...
Hi@kavin2312, I have checked your code and found that the code is not following the Marketo standards. Because of this, you are facing this issue.To resolve this, please follow bel...
Hi@SanfordWhiteman, we were using Marketo form for registration but I got a registration error in Marketo. After troubleshooting, I found that client selected some of the fields wh...
Hi@kimburditt, I had a same integration in our instance. There are 2 reasons1. Registration error came if fields in zoom form are not mapped to Marketo but those fields are require...
Hi@kenmckown, please check the below code<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http:...
Hi@kenmckown, I have checked your code and found that every modular table is wrapped with div. Because of this, modular functionality is not working.To make this work:1. Remove all...