Hello Marketo Ninjas out there.This might be a very silly question - Have created an email and tried sending a sample to my self, when received the preview of the email shows [Edit...
Hello San, I am working with Renju (who has originally posted this query)Our Main Objective is to enable Server Side Validations for Marketo forms on our company website. Currently...
Hi Stan,Is there a way I can use the Leads' id as a parameter and get the Unsubscribe page to show up the email id of the Lead's id> coz that has a less chance of lead id to be kno...
Thanks Stan,Will try making the Security team understand, But tell me if the following approach is right (which I came up from your reply above):If I append the Unsubscribe link wi...
Hi Stan,Though the industry I am in will not have such a scenario but My Security Team needs to plug all loop holes that can cause a SPAM to a Lead. Currently we do not have a Sign...
Hello Marketo Experts Before I explain the issue Let me highlight the steps I am executing: 1. On a landing page I fill out a (Marketo) form with email address 1 and I receive an e...