But the activity log is only present at a folder level right? Can I view the activity log at a Workspace level? Best Regards, Manish Khemani Grégoire Michel --- Re: - Re: How d...
Hi Floyd, I tried this option too but to my disadvantage I have a lot of active campaigns that have the 'Create Task' activity and hence was looking for a work around to know the e...
Hello Steven, While Campaign Manager gives me a list of campaigns which I can filter on 'Create Task' activity, What I need is the actual campaign that is causing the Salesforce sy...
Hello All,I have been getting 'Salesforce Sync Error' notifications on email. Though our integration with Salesforce has been terminated six months ago, according to Marketo suppor...
Thanks a Ton Stan,You are a Rockstar .. As usual.With Best RegardsManish KhemaniTata Consultancy ServicesMailto: manish.khemani@tcs.comWebsite: http://www.tcs.com
Hi Ande,How did you manage to hyper link 'Privacy Policy' from within the 'Display Value' of the Edit Values option?I tried and it does not allow me to hyper link.Could you please ...
Hi Cheryl,I had a similar question; I work for an organization that has around 37 Business units and my senior management would like every unit not see the campaigns and assets of ...
Absolutely Dan, Bang On!!!this is the code i found <span class="mktEditable" id="header1">[Edit Header 1]</span></span>Can the [Edit Header] be removed? Will it cause any harm to t...