Hi Stan,Tried this code too (with 'return true' since we need to take the user to a Thank You page configured in the Marketo form) But it Still did not work.Has it got anything to ...
Thanks Stanford and Erik,I placed the exact code (as in Standford's reply) but the Event Did Not fire. We are using GTM in Head to Fire the GA codes. Does this piece of code work w...
Hello There,I have created a Marketo Form and inserted its embed code in the (External) Landing page http://sites.tcs.com/marketo-form-test/ Also, I have added code for from valida...
Hey Stan,You are a ROCKSTAR!!!! - It Worked ...Many Many Thanks ... How can i get to same level of knowledge as you?Hatss OffWith Best RegardsManish KhemaniTata Consultancy Service...
Hi Stan,We finally managed to do the following change to the code as per your guidelines:I have also marked my developer on this trail; Within the script we are calling the Loadfor...
Thanks Stan for a super-prompt reply, Ill let my developer know this But how do i confirm that ReferringSite is an inherent field in my marketo instance? Some guidance on this too ...
Thanks Stan,My developer recommended minor changes to the code - below<script src="//app-sji.marketo.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js"></script><form id="mktoForm_3389"></form><scrip...
Hi Robb,Thanks for your reply,My only requirement is only the referrer URL which got the user to my landing page that contains a marketo form. is there any option to capture the re...
Hello All,I need to capture the referring url (entire URL) in a form field on my landing page. I tried using the hidden fields option but it only allowsfields from cookies, url par...