Thanks Sanford. Played around with this this afternoon and figured that out. Thank for the reply though!Additional notes on my discovery.All existing landing pages will update to t...
Hey Community,I received a request to update our company CNAME. I have added the new Domain alias, but now need to update the actual domain listed in the Admin section. What will h...
Hey Ed,I am aware I can delete the entire dashboard. My question related to adding a report to a dashboard and then trying to delete the single report from the dashboard without de...
I just created a few dashboards in RCE to allow me to monitor overall system health. I ran into a problem however.... Once a report is added into a dashboard, there is no way to de...
Our structuring is displayed below which allows for regional tokens and clear ownership over tactical driving team vs global initiatives. The annual program folders are also great ...
Hi Sanaa,You can rename a folder in the Browse Files view. Click on the folder you want to rename, and a "Folder Actions" column will appear on the far right. One of the listed opt...
Hey Community,When we went live we used that was not the best idea as we want to use going forward. I found articles that show how to...