When I look in Marketo's Smart Lists filtering on "Activity is Updated" or "Activity was Logged", I see a fraction of the actual Activities in Salesforce. Many custom activities de...
Sanford is correct! I've recently got into email scripting and it's a whole new world. You'll find a lot of really cool use cases - you can get as fancy as you want since you're ef...
I know that the Salesforce integration with Slack does just that. If you post a Salesforce URL, then it will bring in the name of the contact /person account. Given that a URL with...
Brilliant, thanks guys. Shame that isn't obvious through the Marketo UI. It just let me set it up as if there were no problems! I'll test it out later today but seems pretty certai...
Hi SanfordIt's all in the equivalent Activity Logs, but here's all the info I can see when I double click:Webhook Id:20Webhook Name:Send Book of DreamsLead ID:2077272Response Code:...
Hi allHaving some trouble with a JSON webhook I'm trying to run through Marketo and Zapier. Here's the code:URL: (what Zapier gave me)Request Type: POSTTemplate: {"first name": "{{...
Thanks you Sanford! Believe it or not, I read that post when it came out and it slipped my mind until just now. I'll have another look and let you know if I run into problems.
Hi everyoneHaving a bit of trouble formatting dates through email scripting.Here's my initial code:<ul>#foreach ($Tour_Details in ${TravellerServices__cList}) #if (${Tour_Details.S...