Hi everyone
Having a bit of trouble formatting dates through email scripting.
Here's my initial code:
#foreach ($Tour_Details in ${TravellerServices__cList})
#if (${Tour_Details.Service_Status__c} == "Confirmed" && ${Tour_Details.ServiceTypeTS__c} == "Tour")
<li>You took ${Tour_Details.Service_Dossier_Name__c} on ${Tour_Details.Service_Start_Date__c}).
This gives me this:
Good so far!
Next I tried to format the dates to say "16 March 2013" instead of the current format. So I tried:
#foreach ($Tour_Details in ${TravellerServices__cList})
#if (${Tour_Details.Service_Status__c} == "Confirmed" && ${Tour_Details.ServiceTypeTS__c} == "Tour")
<li>You took ${Tour_Details.Service_Dossier_Name__c} on $date.format('dd mmm yyyy' ,${Tour_Details.Service_Start_Date__c}).
But this gives me:
Something is obviously wrong. Any ideas?
As a side note, while playing around I tried to use Marketo's example, found here: http://developers.marketo.com/email-scripting/
#set($birthday2015 = "2015-08-07")
##use whenIs to determine how many days away it is
$date.whenIs($birthday).days ##outputs 1
This doesn't seem to work. The output is:
It didn't work even when I renamed the variable from $birthday to $birthday2015 in the last line, which I thought might be the error.
Is there something I need to do to "load" the $date functionality in scripting?
Thanks, Phil
$date.whenIs($birthday).days ##outputs 1 |
Is there something I need to do to "load" the $date functionality in scripting?
The $date tool is working fine, but your date-like properties aren't Date objects, they're Strings. See here: http://blog.teknkl.com/marketo-vtl-strings-all-the-way-down/.
If you move the post to Products I'll answer more there. ('Central is supposed to be for Qs that aren't Marketo-product-specific, though the nomenclature is confusing.)
Thanks you Sanford! Believe it or not, I read that post when it came out and it slipped my mind until just now. I'll have another look and let you know if I run into problems.