Got a puzzle for the community!I want to put some information about how a consumer subscribed in our email footers. We have this information going forward in a Marketo field, but w...
Thanks Nicholas. Yep, we're aware of that functionality, but as you can appreciate, there's a big difference between that and automation. We would like to have segmentations in Mar...
* Posting this as a discussion since I don't have blogging rights. But hey, the best articles are discussions anyway, right? Stick your hand in a jar and pick out five jellybeans. ...
Thanks Grégoire Michel. That's disappointing. It's very confusing to have it listed in this location then. I would suggest Marketo remove this image from the smart list selection.
We are trying to work out if it's possible to send a smart list to our Google AdWords account in order to remarket to them. When I click "Send Via Ad Bridge", I can select Google, ...
Hi AnnmarieThe more you open up the targeting, the less precise the overall list is, and you will see decreasing marginal returns. For example, if you target market is 35-44 years ...
Hi KelleyPurchased lists can be tricky. While there is no doubt damage to your sender reputation (through spam scores) by sending to these lists, they potentially could still gener...
Hi ValGreat question! Our unsubscribe page seems to convert very well, for some reason (around 88%). Simple "enter to win a trip to x" sweepstakes will also convert for us at arou...
Hi GregoireThanks, your code works perfectly! While I understand it may not be perfection for validation, it's going to fix the problem in the short term.Phil
Hi Community!We've been finding that unfortunately Marketo forms have pretty crappy email validation on them as default. Using the "Email" field means that a user is only required ...