Great. It's also helpful if you mark an answer as correct when someone has solved an issue so that others know that the question has a resolution. Thanks!
Hey Everyone, Weeeeeee're back with the next episode of #KreweChats! This week we delve into Data Management best practices and welcome guest chatter Sydney Mulligan in addition t...
The id doesn't matter, but should be unique to each section. Your HTML designer should have a pretty good idea of where to add the tag, but depending on what level of control you'r...
Hey Christina, we have a similar setup to you. Basically, if there is a target account that is either identified by us as a priority account, or an account that is actively being w...
Within the template (or HTML of the email that you're working on) you should be able to find tags that look like:<div class="mktEditable" id="Name"></div>If you don't have any of t...
It's a complete shift from how you're currently doing things, but what if instead of a boolean field for whether or not they're a subscriber, it's a time/date stamp. This accomplis...