As Greg mentioned, I've only found Marketo generated emails to count towards comm limits. If they are using MSI to request emails, this might be an issue towards comm limits. But o...
These definitely seem to be unique problems... One question regarding your sends: Have you set up SPF and DKIM (properly)? I know Sanford Whiteman knows a lot about this. This wil...
Hey Regina, every implementation of Marketo is unique, but what type of specific problems have you been running into? Did you migrate from another MA tool or are you starting fresh...
Hey Jasmine, if you're needing these secondary email addresses for emailing, then you will need to create an additional record. Marketo is only able to mail to the native email add...
Hey Erin and Juli,I would advise a remove from flow step after each of the emails is sent, because there is nothing preventing someone from receiving the email multiple times from ...
Does anyone have any recommendations for favorite or best ways to quickly and accurately get business card information into Marketo after tradeshows or other events? Typically ther...
Like Devraj said, there are a couple of fields that Marketo uses to know if someone can be emailed:If any of these fields (except the do not call ones) are marked, then they will n...