Hi Cheyne, I would suggest using an opt out date field for each of your subscription types. If someone downloads/registers for something where they'd be resubscribed and the opt ou...
Hey Dan, interesting use case for engagement programs! I'll have to think of that for next time 🙂Our final solution was to create a template program that we clone once a week (we'...
Hey Helen, sometimes we will exclude people from a triggered campaign if they are on the possible dupes list... Not ideal because it excludes some people unnecessarily, but it does...
Thanks for the input, everyone. Justin, aside from having bad experiences with email programs in the past, we have 7 different time zones that we send to and 5 emails - one for eac...
Hey Justin, wow. To be honest, that really puts a kink in our workflow --- who has time to set up a daily send on a regular basis?! Isn't that the point of automation?Is resolving ...
We have a recurring (daily, M-F) email for our subscribers that has custom recommendations that are populated by a company called Certona and presented as images in the email. The ...
The "In Future after" and "In Past before" filters were a great addition. One thing that would be nice is to be able to filter by hours instead of days in more places.
It would be nice if we had the option to say that an email shouldn't count toward communication limits. It's useful to be able to say that we should ignore communication limits, bu...