We're also in our final stages of implementation... The first thing I'd say is that the implementation and creation of playbooks takes much longer than you would intitially anticip...
Hmm, that's definitely a little strange. If you aren't able to get it by searching maybe for 0302_P1-target or 0306_P2-target, I'd reach out to support.
Hey Eric, can you put a screenshot of the filters that you're using to try to exclude? Maybe there's an issue there? Otherwise, maybe open a support ticket and they can review.
As Charlie said, you don't need to create the lists -- the one thing that it will do is help to speed up your processing. Random sample on 100k leads takes time, so if you have eve...
Cheryl, don't transition rules require a trigger to be active? So the filter that you've suggested could be in addition to some other trigger in the transition rules, or as the fil...
Hi Natalie, there are ideas in the community to create a trigger for when content is exhausted, but they currently haven't been implemented. That said, you could create a batch cam...
Hi Nicole, you can make a single form and use the address fields conditionally. That is to say, that you could have them show only if "sample" is checked. This guideshould point yo...
Hi Hiroshi, on the schedule tab you need to change the settings so that someone can flow through multiple times instead of just one time (default setting). This should solve for th...
Hey Scott, unfortunately you cannot do this. There are several ideas for capabilities to export all sorts of things from Marketo, but as of now you can't.