No, i'm referring to the two basic email reports (not the dashboard that's part of the "email send program" - which includes unique activity - nor the email insights report):Email ...
Ali - in case you have any additional questions, I found the FAQ for MPI: MPI Partner FAQs - where it specifically states:Both MPI and ARB (RCE) leverage the same data sources, so ...
Obviously this isn't documented anywhere in Marketo. Did you ever think about writing a book about all of the undocumented information that's stored in your head (and some of it sp...
Hi Greg - what's your take on contact subscription/enrichment services like ZoomInfo, ReachForce, Hoovers, DiscoverOrg,, D&B, InsideView, RainKing, Lead411, etc.? These ar...
Sandy, would you need to know the ID of the email and hard-code it in the script; or is there a way to programmatically include the ID of the email to include in email links?
Yeah, I doubt that this is what this vendor is referring to. They are attempting to interpret the law (and find whatever loopholes are possible (good luck with that)) that allows t...
Darrell - I would create a single status of "plan on attending", along with attended, no show, watched on-demand. Obviously, the lead will progress to these later statuses the day ...