It would be helpful though if we were able to position the submit button using precise values rather than "guessing" where it should be placed - which causes us to constantly go ba...
Please Marketo - find another HTML editor. Not only does it constantly add bloated code to our emails, but it's completely unusable when using Chrome. There are much better alterna...
Hi Cheryl - here's the link to the program: Within this parent program, is an Email Program - and the dashboard that I'm referring to here.
I'm trying to understand the discrepency of the data presented on the email dashboard. The number of CLICKS far exceeds the number of actual clicks (which I can view in the program...
The numbers are really only used for sorting purposes within each channel. They have no impact on reporting. And with all program statuses, a lead can only be a member of a single ...
Keller, we still use multiple smart campaigns to place members into the appropriate program status (for all of our programs). While it's true that the new Email Program tracks all ...
Wow, I didn't even know this capability existed! When I mentioned this to the RCA guru at Marketo, he claimed that limited fields available for additional dimensions would be addre...