Rather than re-create an entire email from scratch (based on a shared template in our global workspace), I want to clone it to a different workspace. I have proceeded to clone the ...
BTW, when these bugs/issues are identified, can Marketo alert its customers so that they refrain from using these capabilities/features until they have been fixed?
I did, Cheryl, but was just wondering if anyone had experienced this in the meantime. I just received this from Support: "This was a bug that was escalated to Engineers and fixed l...
We included an A/B test for an email program last week. Subject line (B) was the clear winner, yet Marketo identified subject line (A) as the winner. I’m assuming then that Marketo...
Thanks Josh. I opened up a Support ticket last week with Support - hopefully they'll eventually provide some additional insight. This campaign was sent last Tuesday, so there's cer...
Elliott - correct, and that's what we've been doing to get the additional insight. I've basically come to the point where it just makes sense to use traditional programs for an ema...
TJ - our field marketers are required to report on the following data points each quarter - which then get placed in a global marketing dashboard:
# unique touches
# responses
I've encountered several issues as well (including all the above).
Just today, I clicked on "New Local Asset > Report" and the window just hangs with the spinning circle.
Why is there such a discrepency - specifically EMAIL DELIVERED - between the dashboard and the performance report? And in the dashboard, shouldn't email delivered by emails sent mi...
@Philip, this is a good start but, like Meghan, we're looking for the number of touches (not success) to reach success (or an MQL, Opportunity, etc.). In the case of an email chann...