You bring up some valid points, Pavel - and when using multiple partitions/workspaces, it must be a well-planned out effort where all of these "gotchas" may occur. And yes, it can ...
Jonathan - If I understand correctly, you have the default workspace/partition and then three additional workspaces (CAN, EMEA and APAC) - for a total of four workspaces? You may b...
Do you have a subject line defined?Do you have a proper footer/disclaimer (with Unsubscribe link) at the bottom of the email?Have you whitelisted Marketo IP addresses with your int...
What we do is store the "response type" (a column in our Excel "campaign/event response" template) into a proxy field ("Avanade Campaign Response Type Upload"). We first upload the...
We were hoping to leverage single emails for our global email sends - once they announced "Recipient Time Zone" (Fall Release: Sending emails based on recipient timezone! ) - but s...
As Sanford mentioned, once you deploy a preference center, you really need to ensure each and every one of your programs/email-send campaigns have the required filters to make sure...
I realize this is an older thread, but here’s a great explanation from Paul Wilson on why this is happening (at least on the MS Dynamics side - and suspect it’s the same for SFDC)...
So is your desire to take and entire page of content in Sitecore and use it for the content of an email? If so, I suspect that would require some custom integration work. Furthermo...