agree with Greg here - when we did include this function, no one used it. Think about it, would you prefer clicking the "forward" button in your email client; or spending time to f...
Becky - be careful on also unsubscribing these users. I wouldn't recommend it. Especially if you decide to implement a preference center in the future - where global opt-ins/opt-ou...
Courtney - this is true, however the out-of-the-box functionality in Marketo automatically dedupes on email address. So if you're importing a new list of leads and some of those ar...
Hi Becky - "consent" and "opt-in" fields are one in the same. Essentially when someone "opts-in", they are giving you consent to do whatever language was next to that checkbox (mar...
Michele - I see that you changed the title of this topic to "help". While I understand you may have given second thought to your original topic (and wanted to rename it), you might...
To build on what Jenn mentions here - specifically around adopting to their proprietary template approach - you can really create an environment that makes creating emails and land...
Nancy, "referrer" when used with the "fills out form" trigger is the page that form was submitted from (many incorrectly believe this is the page that brought them to this page). S...
Hi JD - yes, purely an On24 issue. And it may not even be an issues. My main objective for the testing I did this morning was focused primarily around the integration of both platf...