Hi Nicola - we've just completed the integration of Marketo into On24. And everything - thus far - is working as expected. When creating a test program, test LP and test form - and...
In addition to what Sanford and Greg mentioned, the ”referrer” constraint (using “contains”) works better for us - instead of “web page” - since most of our forms are embedded on o...
Yes, if the EU citizens are also in the EU, then GDPR applies to them. And realistically, this is the primary audience. But there are circumstances where GDPR does not apply - take...
It's important to note, though, that your template needs at least one editable section (surrounded by the appropriate Marketo syntax). Check out these product docs for more informa...
Hi Sule - first, remove the "who has an EU citizenship" piece. GDPR doesn't look at citizenship or residency. It applies to anyone that's IN THE EU. An American, a Canadian, an Aus...
If images are turned off in Outlook and the user physically clicks the message to open it, it still won't register an open (since it still relies on an image to ping back to Market...
Hi Brooke - if the user has their images turned on/download by default (I realize this setting is disabled by most companies - and then the users' themselves change this), then sim...
Thanks JD!ContentAI is to Predictive what Person was to Lead -- they are the same thing, just new name.Except for some of the analytics, I believe. Earlier this month, we received ...