If it's not a trigger, then you won't be able to populate the actual time that the person clicked the link. Instead the value will populate with the time that the batch campaign is...
Nevermind - I see it now (website event registration). And yes, it's replacing it with NULL. (The source of the activity is "web service API", not the value of the field like I inc...
The API shouldn't be overwriting existing data - just populating the field when the field is empty/null. What was the value prior to "Web service API"?
In addition to Sanford's response, you need 2 or more filters to apply ANY/ALL filter logic; and 3 or more filters to apply ADVANCED filter logic. You only have one filter here - s...
This thread is almost 4 years old and none of the people here who contributed are Marketo customers (or part of the community) - as evident by the GUIDs that represent their name. ...
Filter logic can only be applied to FILTERS - not TRIGGERS. Your first two are triggers. Triggers are always "or" logic - meaning if either are true, it will continue and evaluate ...
Which webinar connector are you using? Is it possible those that are still marked as "registered" were never synced to your webinar provider and therefore there's no ability to pro...