Thanks Sanford Whiteman - that certainly sounds like a reasonable explanation. This type of thing is outside of my area of expertise, so I apologize ahead of time for my ignorance...
We use Wistia videos embedded on our non-Marketo landing pages, some of which include a Marketo web form that collects contacts and syncs into Marketo via the Wistia connector.I no...
As always, it's nice to get some insight into the team at Marketo. I agree with Jackie Potts - it would be fun to meet some support team members since we interact with them somewh...
These are all very helpful! I wish I had understood tokens better when I first set up my Marketo account. It would have saved me TONS of time and effort!
These are great tips - I wish this video had existed when I first set up my Marketo account! I'd love to see a future video that includes the other best practices you didn't get to...
Thanks for the reply, Eva Yu! So you do sales rep assignment within Marketo? We have our system set up to assign sales reps based on the zip code in which the customer is located,...