MCSA guy who likes to hang out in the community going through the people's opinions, thoughts about the product and also answering questions/issues for fellow Marketo users. Have built few custom connectors for integrating the Marketo with other Adobe Marketing tools like Analytics, AEM, Target for extending Marketo's functionality. Have extensively worked on Marketo APIs along with the org level Marketo setup. Let's connect for a discussion on anything revolving around MarTech. ;)
So, instead of the campaign being triggered directly by the click link in email activities, it would be triggered indirectly by program status updates. I like the idea of triggerin...
This could be done very easily using the Marketo Forms2 JS library -
MktoForms2.loadForm("", "AAA-BBB-CCC", <insert-form-id>, function(form) {
Agreed with, Katja! Using smart list membership condition in the trigger campaign flow would be a costly businessas it requires additional queries, introducing system strain and de...
The words “Lead/Leads” have been replaced with “Person/People”. While this change has been made to the friendly field names of the fields/and GUI in Marketo, they haven't updated t...
You got me wrong there! I wasn't saying that you shouldn't add program-specific UTMs as tokens in the snippets, rather I was saying that if you'd need to create a separate header/f...
Add a {{my.token}} in the snippet, you'd not be able to see the token appearing in the insert token dialog's dropdown while adding the token in the snippet, but you can add the tok...
Thought: Instead of implementing this via a single campaign with advanced wait steps (and complicating things), why don't you set up distinct one-off email send programs to send ou...
Well, you can use {{my.tokens}} in the snippets and ensure that they have localized values at the respective local program level available to customize the values in the assets wit...
This is very much possible using the velocity script. The idea is to form the entire hyperlink, i.e., <a> through </a>, in the velocity token itself and include it in the email at ...