I tried that yesterday.. I think it went something like $i = firstname.length - firstname.lengthcharAt(i)But are you sure that's the issue - as above, I can send in an actual campa...
Well, I was able to get it to send in an actual campaign send.But the email won't approve and the error is:Validation Error approving testttt.kefe — An error occurred when procesin...
Yes, I did this just recently (but probably not very well).It looked like:1. Get the authentication token (identity).2. Lookup an email address and return a lead ID.3. Get a paging...
Weird.. your syntax doesn't look right. Shouldn't it contain the braces? #set ($fi = ${lead.FirstName.toLowerCase().charAt(0)})$fiEven with your syntax, I'm still finding the email...
I think you're referring to "escaping", which means that you don't want the "$" to be swallowed by the Velocity engine. In this case, I don't think you need to escape the $ symbol....