Hi,I noticed Marketo has GET/POST endpoint to get access token, but both endpoints accepting query parameters only,Is there any reason?<URL>/identity/oauth/token?client_id=<Client ...
Thanks Sanford!I have already implemented following lines of code before calling APIvar httpContent = new StringContent(json);httpContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderV...
Hi,We are sending sample emails via API (/rest/asset/v1/email/{id}/sendSample.json) to an email alias. Email alias has & in the alias name ex: my&email@test.com. For some reason sa...
I have one more question, Sanford.In case of failing to execute WebhookIs there any way to block sending campaign emails and send an alert to campaign managerWhat are best practice...
Say for example, if abc@test.comgets processed before email@test.comthen webhook will not be called because of email address comparison to email@test.com. In such case UTM paramete...
Thank you, Sanford!So I would have toAdd a lead record say email@test.comto the list which is being used to send campaign emailsCheck if email address is email@test.comin the choic...
Hi Sanford,This is in continuation to our discussion on "Accessing tag values" thread. Opening a new thread as "Accessing tag values" was marked as solved.Quick recap from the prev...