Hi,I have defined a smartlist with Email Invalid = true, but some of the email addresses are not showing up in the list though email invalid is true in Marketo. Could anyone tell m...
Thank you, Sanford!"exposed" I mean client id and client secret is visible in plain text in an URL.That is true I agree with you, but plain text in an URL is more vulnerable than h...
Hi,I noticed Marketo has GET/POST endpoint to get access token, but both endpoints accepting query parameters only,Is there any reason?<URL>/identity/oauth/token?client_id=<Client ...
Thanks Sanford!I have already implemented following lines of code before calling APIvar httpContent = new StringContent(json);httpContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderV...
Hi,We are sending sample emails via API (/rest/asset/v1/email/{id}/sendSample.json) to an email alias. Email alias has & in the alias name ex: my&email@test.com. For some reason sa...