Hi,I am looking for any pointers/documentation available on Marketo and GA4 integration. Looking for possibilities, can be b-directional/one way.Appreciate your help!Thanks,Babu
Hi Sanford,Just to clarify,Example screenshot I pasted here is to show the Event Number field I want to set the value. My requirement is , to set a value to Event Number field but ...
Thank you Sanford and Darshil.I just want to populate event number field with some custom event value to keep up with reporting for specific events.I see Event Number value is retu...
Hi,It might be a funny question to ask, but would like to know the possiblity.Is it possible to populate a "Event Number" field of event type program settings variable with a custo...
Hi,I have defined a smartlist with Email Invalid = true, but some of the email addresses are not showing up in the list though email invalid is true in Marketo. Could anyone tell m...