Nevermind! I figured it out! Our web designer used a different field instead of requests a demo on this form. I updated that and everything is working perfectly!
But now I'm confused. That one worked perfectly fine. But I tried setting up my next where my trigger is filled out form and I filter on requests a demo is true. Then I have the sa...
Can you show me a picture? I'm not sure what you're trying to do and when I'm in Marketo, I don't see the availabiltiy to do a filter based on simply campaign name.
Before I turn this live for my sales reps, I want to make sure that I set this up correctly! We have a portion of our form fills, that when someone falls into specific criteria, th...
I've found that sometimes it takes a while for some of my updates to happen between the systems. It seems to be really random because one day I added a new field in Salesforce and ...
Can I set up a campaign to be triggered when a date field comes up? We want to send a series of emails starting 11 months after someone purchases a product. We have a date field sh...
I can't figure out why the time zone for my events always defaults to Pacific time zone. The time zone for our Marketo instance is set for Central US (Chicago) and my personal time...
Do you use Salesforce or Sales Insight? What we do is we have triggers for our current clients as we do for new prospective leads. We just train out client sales reps to look at th...