From what it looks like there, Salesforce is the program that is changing the unsubscribe back from True to False. For some reason the original command from the sync didn't take in...
Hey Lucy. As I understand it, Marketo has a dedicated IP address feature that puts you on your own domain. It costs money and you also have to have a pretty high volume database to...
The manual way that I can think of to do this would be to create a static list in your Lead Database of the people who you want to be in this 20%. One way this can be done is by im...
This is what I would suggest as well. The "Was Sent Email" filter gets used a lot over here in the office. Or rather, the "Not Was Sent Email" filter does.
Hello,We have certain competitors attempting to access our gated content. I have used the script to block certain domains to access our content, but I think that might promote usin...
Ah, I see what you're saying. I do not believe that this would be considered the same, as the Webinar URL token that I'm using lives in the description portion of the "Save the dat...
I've noticed that our "Add to calendar" token is not populating our webinar URL token thats hosted through WebEx. Essentially, we have a token that populates correctly, but only af...
I'm getting a ton of email bounces, which I know is not rare, and I'm not sure if it is the 'reply to' email or the 'send from' email that is designating the return address. Any in...