Keeping the elementary questions coming... I have a couple people that I'd like to add to our engagement streams, but I don't want them to start at the first email. Is there a way ...
This is an embarrasingly 101-level question... But I can't figure out what's causing this issue.Basically, whenever I update a template file, any email that uses that template has ...
I imagine there are a few ways to do it, but here's what we do:SMARTLISTTrigger: "Clicks Link in Email" Emailcontains "[program name]". Constraint: "Link Not Contains" unsubsc...
Our consultant gave us the Ghost Cert just for funsies... I will say that the types of questions were very similar, as was the level of difficulty, but no- this wasn't the Consulta...
We're looking at sending an alert email to new customers thanking them for their business, and including a few niceties, like a copy of their signed contract, key support contact i...