You could add another Smart List constraint of Member of Program or Was Sent Email to only send the second email to those who are within your current Program.
We do this often by just using a Smart Campaign to send the email. We determine the audience in the Smart List like we normally would, but within the Flow step, we choose Send Emai...
We have an internal send list that is sent every email that goes out of our workspace. To get around the communication limit issue, we've built in an Email Send - Internal Smart Ca...
This is the URL we’re passing to pdfmyurl:<
Sanford Whiteman I've got this set-up on the landing page, but when I use the PDF generator my First Name and Last Name Tokens don't carry down to the PDF of the certificate. Did ...
Sanford, I've been testing this with and am running into issues with the First and Last Name Tokens carrying over to the PDF download. The Event Name Token carries dow...
The breakout sessions are the most valuable part of Summit for me. If you're able to come back with 5-10 actionable items from sessions or speaking to vendors, I consider it a win....
We're researching ways to automate our event participation certificates and it seems to me that a Marketo Landing Page could work, but I'm wondering if others have used this in the...
You can add weekly subscriptions to RCE Reports via the Analytics section. Just select New Report Subscription and select Revenue Explorer as the Report Source. You should then be ...