Hi Rani, please don't send email to this purchased list. It is very likely to get you blacklisted, resulting in severely reduced email deliverability for all email addresses in you...
SFDC only. Since you mentioned the field Job Title and it sounds like you were syncing a new Lead, it is probably on the Lead object. Job Title is a standard SFDC field, so it's ...
It is most likely a permission setting in Salesforce or a validation rule. Marketo will not check whether fields are populated when attempting a sync to SFDC.Jep
@ Matt: yeah, that's how pre-filling for dropdowns works. You can modify the JavaScript from my link above to remove the last "option" from the "select" (pre-filling inserts the op...
It's the last code sample on this page:https://community.marketo.com/MarketoArticle?id=kA050000000Kyy3 Best, Jep Replace the yellow text with your exact field name
Rachel, There is a Treasure Chest feature that is designed exactly to address your question. It is called "Campaign Inspector". Go to Admin > Treasure Chest to enable this featur...