Jamie, you can set up Criteria-based sharing rules in salesforce that prevent Marketo from accessing records that don't have an email address. This requires that your organization ...
Just keep in mind that people who are "cookied" for one domain will not be cookied for the second domain until they fill out a form on that domain (or click a link in a Marketo ema...
See an example here:http://pages2.marketo.com/emailsubscription.html. It uses a hidden field "Suspend_Email_for_90_Days" and some custom JavaScript which - when the button is click...
Most commonly, duplicate leads originate from the CRM system (Salesforce or MS Dynamics) or through manual lead creation in Marketo. Are you sure the lead was created via the form ...
The pages are being tracked separately by unique URL, but they all attached to the same lead record (so people aren't being tracked separately). Www.xyz.com is a different page fro...
Is this a Smart Campaign with wait steps? In that case you need to use the flow action "remove from flow" to remove the Leads who are already in the Smart Campaign from the flow. Y...
Rani, as I mentioned in my reply to your other post:please don't send email to this purchased list. It is very likely to get you blacklisted, resulting in severely reduced email de...