Marketo does not own Cvent, however, Vista Equity owns both Marketo and Cvent (and dozens of other SaaS companies). I can't comment on any product plans, since that's above my pay ...
Marketo Services is offering an add-on that will allow you to cap the number of event registrations. Also, it can show an 'event closed' page at a specified date. While it's obviou...
@Trish: yes, you can control what URL people are seeing, if you add an Alias in Admin > Landing Pages, it will NOT change the URL. so if you to someone, th...
I don't think you understand correctly how it works yet: if you have 2 domains, all pages will always be available on both URLs. There is no master domain as such. It just happens ...
@Trish: yes, that works. Then your primary CNAME will be (visible in the Marketo UI), but all pages are still available as also.
@Trish: you can add as many CNAMEs as you want and all your landing pages will be available on both CNAMEs. So will also be available as marketing...
To expand upon this: you can create an unlimited number of CNAME aliases, so you can definitely use or whatever you want. However, the aliases...
@Val: it's on request only (Beta). It does: trimming whitespace, search & replace, delete all but first x characters ('first'), delete all but last x characters ('last'), sum, regu...
You can add/remove the overall score with every change of the Demographic/Contact/Activity scores (so you always need 2 flow actions, 1 for the specific score, 1 for the overall sc...