Hello,I would like to know if there is a way for a single Person in Marketo to create multiple Leads in SFDC.Our sales organization uses SFDC CRM's Lead object not on a "per custom...
Hello @SanfordWhiteman,Thank you for your response.After reading your explanation, I realized that I didn’t fully understand the difference between mkt_tok and _mkto_trk.As you sug...
Hello,@uditmathur, thank you. I tested by adding mkt_tok to the button link in the email, but it seems that mkt_tok might have been lost when navigating to the landing page.@Sanfor...
We want to pre-fill boolean fields in a form and display them as radio buttons on a landing page. However, despite enabling "Form Pre-Fill" at the admin: landing page level ...
@SanfordWhiteman,Sorry for the delayed response and thank youfor correcting my misunderstanding regarding the quantity limitations of Custom Objects in Marketo.I was not familiar w...
@Michael_Florin,Sorry for the delayed response, and thank you for the detailed guidance!Based on the information you provided, we will test the API integration using the external c...
We migrated from Eloqua to Marketo.We were very active in using Eloqua's Custom Object.Every event that the customer participated in, the survey's answers are stored in units of ea...
@Michael_Florin, Thank you very much for your response! I now understand the two types of company IDs.I have one additional question.We are trying to update the information of the ...
I understand that each Person's Company Object has a Company ID value.What standard is this company ID? Is it a Company Name or is it have a unique number?I wonder if there is a wa...