The golden rule is that Marketo doesn't update records from Salesforce unless the SystemModStamp on the Contact record is updated. Check one of the Salesforce Contacts pre and post...
If you want to control the Activity Sync to such a granular level use the Add Task flow step in the smart campaign instead, and set the task status to "Completed". Add Task with a ...
Nope. I checked recently. Still not supported and no plans yet to do so. Marketo still follows only the "Primary Account" relationship. It's a nightmare for Non Profit and Higher E...
Yes, +1 to what Jim is saying - notice that this functionality in the Admin is called "Initial Partition". It's primarily used for when new leads come down from CRM. It's best igno...
In cases like this where it's not really a how-to so much as unexpected behaviour, you are best to go directly to Marketo Support. Beyond inserting the token correctly (and using o...
I think you are getting confused between a partition and a workspace.A lead can physically only exist in ONE partition at a time. If a workspace has access to that partition (and w...
Renaming a channel is just a label - it shouldn't have any issues. Renaming or changing program statuses (progression steps) would be more likely to cause you issues. If you are le...
If you could get the link to the picture to be stored in a field in Salesforce (or at least the unique part of that link that points directly to the picture), then you could render...