+1 to what Steven said, don't sync the History objects.In terms of the triggers, I'm afraid that's not currently possible in Marketo. The way people usually do this is to set 24-ho...
Except for the first email step (which could be managed separately) this looks like a regular email cadence. Have you considered using an engagement program instead? That way you'd...
It's Marketo learning on steroids. Nowhere else can you get such a concentrated barrage of information so quickly, but you need to pick your sessions well.
The way I always deal with this is that the paid ad, social, etc is the lead source, and the webinar is the acquisition program. If you keep those concepts separate it becomes poss...
Oh I get that - I just think I shouldn't have to resort to scripting to get basic functionality. The chances of me teaching every team member and client to script well is zero.
Becoming massively important with the release and uptake of new SFDC packages like the Higher Education and NonProfit Success Pack. These use multiple account relationships inheren...
I would go further and ask that admins be allowed to set up a date format for date type fields in the admin and that format is perpetuated across Marketo. Anything Marketo does her...
Danielle - by default SFDC lead assignment rules only run on new leads - so once the lead exists and has been assigned it won't re-run.If you need to change the owner based on a co...
Hi - it's not available. Engagement programs are considered "trigger-based" campaigns, and hence only work with Champion Challenger, and Date/Time makes no sense with Champion/Chal...
Ha, yes, I've read that post, liked it, wish I could marry it. As usual a very fine summary of all the pain many of us with the sync are going through.