Hi Lauren BethThanks for your comment!To help us with your topic above, could you elaborate a bit on your meaning?Are you referring to DB size, cleanliness/marketable size, or othe...
To the Community at large,The members behind KreweChats are curious to know what you want to hear us talk about next!What topics are you stumped on?Where could you use help?What do...
Can anyone else confirm that they have an issue with the following?Create a simple file in Excel:- One column file- Column A heading: Email Address- Column A values: enter your ema...
YouTube provides (or at least used to, haven't checked recently) a graph for each video uploaded as to viewing interest. It shows peaks and valleys of where the most activity occur...
When thinking about the Sales Funnel, think full life-cycle. It is like one funnel on another that is upside down.Customer Advocacy is the ultimate goal out of the "end", not just ...