Hi Jamie/Dan,Thanks for your suggestion. I created tag and added those in email programs and even its reflected in RCE also. But still its not showing me that which email belongs t...
Hello,I have more than 1000 email in my system and now I want to differentiate all these emails in three category and wants to create report on category basis. But the problem is t...
Hi,In my RE analysis area, I am getting only two option "Model Performance Analysis(Companies)""Model Performance Analysis(Leads)"I am not getting any other analysis area like Emai...
Hi,I have tested this template, its completely responsive. As Josh, suggested, please test it in Litmus because for me each browser client is showing correct.
Hi Timothy,I have used below approach for preheaders in my emails:created one editable div in email template<div class="mktEditable" id="edit_preheader"></div>Now open any email(wh...
Hi,I have observed one more strange thing.I have different sets of forms. Some forms were designed using Latest Form editor and some were designed using the old Form editor.All for...
And Suppose I am integrating this form in landing page and there i am creating hidden variable "xyz" then do i need to use name "xyz" or "xyz__c"eg.<input type="hidden" name="xyz" ...
Hi,I have created new field in Marketo with name "xyz" and I am using this field on forms. After approving the forms when I am rechecking the forms, its showing the field name as "...
Hi Josh, using smart list, i have to select all emails, forms in smart list filter.Also I want Country column in report. In smart list, i am getting all this, but when i trying thi...