Hi, Is there any way in Marketo to get the lead reports for those leads who are active from last 1 year. (Active means who have clicked any link in any marketo email, opened any em...
I am not sure how much is this helpful but did you try <input type="hidden" name="_mkt_trk" value=""/>. _mkt_trk – this field carries the cookie information, so you’ll be able to t...
Hi Andrew,Engagement stream does not allows to drag and drop the different smart campaign which are placed in same default program. So you need two different default program and wh...
Hi Andrew, Below are the steps i have used to implement the same scenarioStep 1: Create one engagment program, two default program inside engagment and two emailsStep 2: Create two...
Hi,If lead is known and has details for Company in marketo database then you can see in web page activity report.Right click on header of any column under report tab then click on ...
Marketo Rest API has four action attributes:
createOnlyupdateOnlycreateOrUpdate(default request)createDuplicate
Which one you are using? Also if you creating lead using Munchkin A...
See if this helps. https://community.marketo.com/MarketoArticle?id=kA050000000Kyu3CACAlso as Pradeep mentioned, investigate how the duplicate records are createdThanksHarish