I created a container and placed several modules inside of it.However, when opening the email editor, all of the "mkteditable" elements outside of the container are editable but no...
This could go a step further and enable find and replace (CTRL + H) as well. We clone a lot of emails and this would save a lot of time when replacing utm tags.
No problem Greg, I wasn't asking you to do that . What I meant is I'm interested in testing our template on our Marketo instance when we have access to the 2.0 editor. Thanks for t...
Hi Greg,That's interesting, we use conditional outlook tables as well but they are inside of each mkteditable div. The new email editor isn't available on our instance yet but I'm ...
I might be misunderstanding, but it seems weird that "mkteditable" divs can't be modules.Our hybrid fluid templates look something like this:<table><tr><td><mkteditable div></div><...
Here is another big time-waster for us, . We don't have the RCE add-on and the Program Analyzer bubble chart can be extremely difficult/tedious to use when bubbles overlap. They ...
I think the multi-select feature can be taken further to allow for more than one asset/smart campaign to be approved/activated at the same time. It's very tedious for us to approve...
Is there an update on this and has the REST API reached parity with SOAP? The REST vs SOAP article mentions features that are found exclusively in REST but does not mention any of ...