Definitely sounds like you're looking for smart list subscriptions. Here's the documentation for how to do this: Subscribe to a Smart List - Marketo Docs - Product Docs If you set ...
Hey Sarah, Litmus (Email Analytics - Litmus ) has the ability to do this. You just need to purchase Litmus and embed the tracking code into the Marketo email template. - Edward
Hey Morgan Corbett, I just updated that post with the correct link, if you check the above again.For Nurture channel, I go with:MemberInfluencedFor Nurture Email (or "Nurture Cast...
Hey Charles,If you're looking for a dynamic way to grab copy from elsewhere on the page that has already been filled out, that'd either be through server-side (aka, not possible in...
Also, how does the form-submitted override of segmentation interact with the normal UI-calculations of segmentation? I imagine the recalculation in Marketo UI is based on the trigg...
COOL! So this is existing code written within Marketo to detect segments? The segmentation is usually just a post to the page upon navigation? And the one-off override would be pas...
I've tried this approach before, being equally hopeful. If the values to calculate segmentation are being passed through a form, the follow-up page won't have the segmentation calc...
If you're set on having the same URLs, then you'll have to do the swap out where you're quickly changing the URLs one after another. If you do this quickly enough (in less than a d...
Absolutely. We exclusively have the programs in folders instead of within the engagement programs. They're much harder to deal with when nested actually within engagement programs,...
Here's the smart campaign priorities based on the first flow step. Those are all relative scores (in the Priority column), so the real numbers don't matter, just the relative order...