I've tried this approach before, being equally hopeful. If the values to calculate segmentation are being passed through a form, the follow-up page won't have the segmentation calc...
If you're set on having the same URLs, then you'll have to do the swap out where you're quickly changing the URLs one after another. If you do this quickly enough (in less than a d...
Absolutely. We exclusively have the programs in folders instead of within the engagement programs. They're much harder to deal with when nested actually within engagement programs,...
Here's the smart campaign priorities based on the first flow step. Those are all relative scores (in the Priority column), so the real numbers don't matter, just the relative order...
Hey Gregoire! Sorry, I was out on vacation. The JavaScript is built to have an option to selectively reject certain domains. The version on the landing page there rejects all free...
Hey Alexis, looks like the problem is that you have the background image set to 100% width. You can see the background image keep the exact same proportions, but that means that th...
Hey Rachel, in cases like these, we subscribe to a smart list. We come up with this specifically when there's a large volume of email alerts—an overwhelming amount that should be c...
Hey Kam, you can use these tokens:{{system.dateTime}}{{system.date}}{{system.time}}Those will stamp the date and time of when the flow step applies, and you can use it fluently wit...
Hey Will, this doesn't apply to landing pages. Landing pages get their token values through being within Program in the Marketing Activities section. Emails and forms are exception...