This is what I see when I drag it over:#set($totalCalled = $math.toNumber($License_Group__c.Total_Called_in_last_30_days__c))
#set($numberOfPaidLicenses = $math.toNumber($License_G...
Ahh ok cool, thank you! Here you go:#set($totalCalled = $math.toNumber($License_Group__c.Total_Called_in_last_30_days__c))
#set($numberOfPaidLicenses = $math.toNumber($License_Grou...
Sorry, but I don't see that anywhere within the token area where the script has been added:What part of Marketo are you in where you see what you mention below?
Hi Sanford - sorry but I don't follow. The velocity code is in a token. I don't see a“Insert/Edit Code Sample” on the button bar. How/where would I accomplish this?
Hi,I've been trying to build out one Velocity Script Token that has a fairly simple equation:License_Group.Total_Called_in_last_30_days - License_Group.Number_of_Paid_Licenses - Li...
I'm building out an operational program to capture some key data fields - Most Recent Conversion, First Conversion, First Campaign, etc., to centralize it.In regards to our Most Re...